I did it.
It was inevitable.
I did the very thing I knew I would do when I started this blog.
I let an annoying amount of time go by in between posts.
I admit it... things have been a little cuh-razy around La Casa Darcy.
Blogging, unfortunately, did not take priority.
It pains me to even think about updating this blog by writing a much-overdue post, but, here goes. We've gotta start somewhere.
I mean, I did mean for this blog to be a way of us to document our first few bits of marriage together, right?
Let me just summarize some of our happenings of late:
Take a breath.
Here we go.
We'll do anything for free Chic-fil-a. Dress like a cow, get a free sandwich? Sure! Why not?! (Jon looks thrilled, I know, but we did have a great time.)
Loving that my bros are back in Nash, mostly, after a busy summer on the road. This night in particular, we took them (and our friend Ted) put-put golfing. They sported their hand-made "bro tats". Duh. (For the record, I came in second place that night!)
Jon was sporting a feaux hawk for a few weeks. I LOVED it! And now we find out, so did all of our friends! Jon shaved it off, but I have a feeling another hawk may be in the near future.) We are loving our grill and back deck. Now that the weather is cooling off, expect more cookouts, y'all!
We bought a new car! In CASH!!! (Although, these are the keys of the first car we bought, then returned, then bought our new car. Long story. All you need to know is God is good and we got a dependable car.) Blessing alert: once we turned in the Altima, we were expecting one more payment of almost $300 and an additional $400 fee to ship the leased car to auction. BUT... Nissan told us EVERYTHING was covered! We didn't owe another penny!!! Can you say, "Amen"!
Jon taking it back to his Panamanian roots... plantains... they were stupid good!!
We are fiercely committed to our "Get Debt Free So You Can Have The Most Adorable Mixed Babies Ever" plan. This is a pic of our envelopes. This is a praise in itself, that I don't crawl into the fetal position once the bi-weekly "budget meetings" commence. Not gonna lie...we have a significant amount of debt. However, we have a plan. We are sticking to it. And we serve an unbelievable gracious and provisional God!!
Life is BUSY these days. We are trying to MAKE, not find, time to study The Word together. This pic was taken one Saturday we spent at the park, laying on a blanket under an oak tree, reading God's Word and meditating on what He says. it was an awesome time for us.
And, of course, we had to suck up the last bit of summer at Las Paletas... gourmet popsicles g0 straight to me heart.
I am falling more and more in love with this man every. single. day.
So, since Jon has a second job valet parking cars in downtown Nash on the weekends, I am giving a whirl at being a Stella & Dot Stylist. I adore their jewelry, think a lot of their company, and really am enjoying this side business! (Only, I've gotta make more time for trunk shows...) Anyway, this pic is of some treats that were served at one of my August trunk shows. Thanks, Kelsea!

For the past few months, God has been prepping both mine and Jon's hearts by whispering, "Get ready". (I think I blogged about this earlier.) For what, we didn't know. But we both feel such a calling to enter the ministry together, so we have been praying for that opportunity. And here it is!! Our church has always loved its college students, but never had a ministry specifically targeted toward college students alone. Jon and I were asked to head up this ministry, and after prayer and consideration, we accepted! We serve with a fabulous group of people that teach Sunday School, direct a not-so-small small group, plan Sunday meals, and help with Wednesday services, and Jon and I are responsible for the mid-week service. We have been soaking this ministry in prayer, and we are both honored and humbled to be a part. These labels were placed on packages of Ramen noodles we delivered to college students on move in day!

Planning/leading the "Overflow" mid-week service means I get to do my absolute most favorite thing- lead worship alongside my brothers. AND hear Jon bring The Word! It has been truly ridiculous- the way these college students worship. The Holy Spirit floods our sanctuary, and with hands raised we experience true, genuine worship. It really has been surreal to lead a service together as a family. Really, as I'm writing this, I'm realizing it's a dream come true.
*If you think of us, please remember to pray for us and for the Overflow Student Ministry. We want nothing other than what God has for this ministry. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!!
Since our lives are stupid busy these days, we are learning we have to schedule time for just the two of us to be together, Sounds silly, right? But it's soooo true, I guard time with my man ike I guard my meal time. :)
One night, our friend Alyssa blessed our socks off by GIVING us her tickets to watch the Tennessee Titans play! We had SOOOO much fun going together! One of Jon's biggest passions is football. What can I say? I'm trying to convert him to be a Titans fan. :)
This past Labor Day, we spent time on the water with friends. Again, much needed time. Time to be together and be with friends. It might have been ugly, rainy weather. But we had a blast!
This was only Jon's second time water skiing. Get it, baby!
So. I'm trying to learn to run. That's right. Trying.
Jon is an amazing runner. He's one that can run for like 10 miles at a time...for FUN! Who does that?
Anyway, I am determined to become a runner, or at least a jogger haha. And you know what? Since I have the best trainer, I am actually developing some skill!
Again, part of that MAKING time for each other... the dollar theater is just down the road from our house. Let's just say, I can't stand the thought of paying $10 to see a movie at the regular theater, but we love seeing the movie a few weeks ater everyone else saw it...and we only pay $2! This pic was taken after we finally saw The Hunger Games. It. Was. Fantastic. I didn't think I had any interest in this series. Now I'm reading the books!

Jon traded in all of his Playstation games in order to purchase the brand new Madden 2013 football game. (He cracks me up!) After hearing him cheer, clap, stomp his feet, yell at the ref, etc. I decided it was time for me to play a game. Jon "trained" me on the game's workings...and...I beat him. (But don't rub it in his face; he still says I cheated somehow, ha!) To celebrate, we went out for a late dinner in downtown Nash. Oh yeah, another BLESSING alert: one night while Jon was valet parking downtown, a guy tipped him $40!! He said use $20 to put towards our college ministry and use $20 to take me out to dinner downtown. How awesome is that?! Thank you, stranger I'll never meet, You sure did blessed these newlyweds! (and not just with the money.)
Key phrase around our house: "We ain't got no babies!"
The Love of My Life!
The family I nannied for had ANOTHER baby! Baby number five!!! Jon and I took dinner to them one night. We toured their BEAUTIFUL new home, viewed "The Lorax" on their 3D TV, chased their monkeys all over the house, and cuddled with this brand new bundle of joy. I would be lying if I said I'm not tickled with excitement to have one of my own, but I can wait. All in His timing. And right now is NOT His timing, ha. :)
Truth. We have become a little obsessed with Justin Bieber in our house. Just last night, he was the soundtrack to our dance party.
Before Jon heads to work Saturday nights, we try to soak in the morning time together. Jon is the newest member of the Franklin Farmers' Market fan club. Local honey, organic veggies, fresh-cut flowers, live music, and food trucks?! We're so there.
This is what I'm supposed to be doing. Instead, I'm blogging. :)
(Hey, the dryer is going!)
All in all, we lead exceptionally busy, yet exceptionally wonderful lives. Just this morning at breakfast, as we prayed over our omelets and crescents, I began to cry.
There are so many times when the feeling of debt tries to weigh heavy on my shoulders. Or I am weepy on a Saturday night because Jon is working ALL weekend, and I'm dying to see him. Or my insecurities creep in and make me feel "not enough".
But. God.
He blesses. He provides. He sustains. He gives strength. He is faithful.
He is Love.
And He is good.
Happy Saturday, everyone!