At Las Casa Darcy, brinner is a regular go-to on the weekly meal plan.
Brinner * Breakfast foods that are so scrumptious, but no one really has time to make them before rushing off to work, so they make for delicious, inexpensive dinner options instead!
A couple of weeks ago, we served a "Brinner Remix" at one of our weekly sibling dinners. We gorged on a Pancake Bar and experimented with a new recipe, Breakfast Pizza.
Pictured below: Some of the yummiest toppings for your family's Pancake Bar:
chocolate chips
peanut butter (not picuted)
butter & syrup - duh (not pictured)
Mr. Darcy is the Flapjack King.
No, seriously, I've never loved anyone's pancakes more than his.
Because gluten does weird things to my body, I shy away from it as much as I can. Have you ever tried Pamela's gluten free baking mixes? SO yummy! Like, we love this pancake mix more than any others! (Pamelas is sold at Publix, Kroger, & Whole Foods.)
And for the experimental recipe... It was so good. I mean ridiculously good.
But after you see the ingredients, how would it not be? (And soooo easy.)
Yes, of course I'll share the recipe with you...
Breakfast Pizza:
1 lb. sausage, browned
1/2 green pepper, chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1 can white sausage gravy
2 c. mozzarella cheese, shredded
10 oz. fancy shredded hashbrowns
8 eggs, scrambled
Publix multi-grain pizza dough
We didn't add bacon, but that would've been yummy, too.
Prep pizza dough - add flour, stretch, flip... You know the drill.
Brown sausage in a stovetop pan (do not over cook. This will cook more in the oven.)
Chop the green pepper and onion.
Scramble the eggs (soft scramble- they'll cook more in the oven.)
Layer the pizza in this order:
sausage gravy
hash browns
green pepper
cheese (cover it!)
Bake the pizza at 425 for 15-20 minutes, and voila!
This is not the healthiest recipe, but it's comfort food at its finest!
What other toppings will you try? Any family breakfast favorites that would be good additions?