This past weekend, Jon and I celebrated our Three Month Anniversary by attending the wedding of our newlywed friends, Mr. and Mrs. Whitsett. It was a charming wedding, and it was an honor to witness the joining of two lovely lives into one. As I admired the style, trend, and beauty of the ceremony, my heart was overcome with joy.
Three months ago, I stood in front of three hundred guests and promised to be Mrs. Jonathan Darcy for the rest of my life...but three months ago?! In an essence, I simply can't believe how fast the time has flown since Jon and I said, "I Do." but in another aspect, I feel as if we have been married for a lifetime already; I just cannot imagine life before Jon.
In our three months of marriage, we have experienced love, joy, blessing, and bliss at an extremely amplified level. When people ask me, "How's married life?" My short, but oh-so-true response is, "It's the best!" And it really is! Everything, and I mean everything, is more fun when it's with your best friend.
Cooking becomes an experience, rather than a chore;
Cheap dollar movies become a spontaneous night out, and I don't even mind the movie of choice because I'm sitting with the most handsome man in the entire world;
Breakfast in bed is now a weekly gift, not something I wish I'll receive one day;
Packing lunch for another person is the perfect excuse to hide love notes in his Ziploc baggie.
Running errands is the perfect time to play a game;
Bedtime is more fun...well, for obvious reasons;
Prayer is now doubled in power, because the two of us are praying individually and together as a unit;
A Financial Peace University class is not an overwhelming hour and a half, but a time to plan, strategize, and dream ways to develop a better future for our part of the family tree;
Loneliness is not an option;
At the end of the day, no matter how rough or busy or challenging the day was, I come home to my Love, and with his embrace he erases away the day's heaviness.
Are there challenges after the wedding day? Of course!! And we instantly became aware of our complete dependence on our Heavenly Father. You see, on our wedding day we prayed and invited God to be the third member of this marriage. During our first month of marriage, we let the business of life get to us and we ignored our private time with God, a shift which was highly abnormal to our relationship. We were ignoring an entire party of the marriage, and the struggle was felt by both Jon and me.
A marriage is the perfect avenue for God to shower us with His love, for Jesus to teach us how much He loves us and also how He desires us to love one another, for the Holy Spirit to move freely through our lives...but as a unit, we must seek this Power and this Love.
God is moving in our marriage. He is restoring dreams and revealing new visions. He is constantly providing and proving His faithfulness time and time again.
We are learning more and more everyday- about ourselves, each other, our faith, life in general We are in daily pursuit of each other, but more importantly, we are in daily pursuit of Him.
We've already been married for three months, and we are finally getting adjusted to post-wedding life. But I never want to lose the luster of our wedding day. When vows are spoken, I always want to lose myself in tears of joy as I remember the promises Jon and I made to each other and to God. We are reveling in His Joy each and every day.
Psalm 126:3 "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with Joy."
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