It's Summer break! Those three words make me just breathe in and exhale slowly... "Aaaahhhhh..."
It feels great!
Last summer, I nannied the most AMAZING children- Abby (7), Macy (4), Judah (2 1/2), and Levi (1 1/2). Judah and Levi had just come home to America from Ethiopia, and it was an honor to spend their first couple months with them and their ecstatic sisters.
Aren't they just the most adorable children EVER???
This year I am not nannying every day, although I hope to spend some time with these babies! Their family is vacationing on Anna Maria Island, my home beach!! I am sooo excited to spend a week on the beach with these kiddos, and then extend my trip a little longer to spend much-needed time with my rents.
Other plans for this super short, but nonetheless, much needed summer break???
Spending time with my Love, Jon...doing whatever it is we want to do. (It was a crazy spring semester of previous post.) We have fun no matter what we're doing. We just need some time to be love birds.
Earn additional income and be an effective Stella & Dot stylist! (More details to come in following posts.) Let's go, debt snowball!!
Read. And read lots of books. I am starting with "Empty Promises" by Pete Wilson. Right now it is rockin' my socks off and I can't put it down. I have a stack of books I've previously selected for my personal summer reading list, and I can't wait to trudge on through.
Goodness knows in the three days of summer we've already had I've done my share of pinning on Pinterest. Now I'll finally have the time to create/bake/cook/make some of the things I've had my eye on!
Host some house guests... my mama is coming in town in just a couple hours, and then our dear friend Matt is visiting us from Fort Myers! We can't wait to host these guys...and anyone else that wants to visit the Darcy household!
Attend the beautiful wedding of Danielle and Jonathan! Soooo excited for these two frands to tie the knot!
Volunteer at VBS. Our theme this year is "Sky", and I am the preschool leader. Excited? Duh!
Potentially go to teen camp? I know, I know. You need an answer, Jason!
Attend sure-to-be boring, but required by the state, workshops on Common Core Standards. Here. We. Go. (Can you feel my excitement?)
Get my wisdom teeth pulled. (A newfound must-do. Excitement is just as much as read above.)
Pray. A lot. Last semester was a particularly difficult one, career wise. I was successful at teaching and received rave reviews on my evaluations, but I am struggling a bit with direction. Prayer is much needed.
Finally breaking out my workout DVDs. I just gotta do it!
Work out so I can eat this:
Plan a little for next school year. Yes, I said it. I am moving to 6th grade next year, and I really need to get acquainted with the 6th grade standards. Also, I need to check out their essential literature lists and fall in love with these books!
See my frands!!! Girls' nights are much needed!
Clean the house, top to bottom. (Oh, mom will be here in a couple hours, so I already did that. Check!)
Return our Altima (good riddance, car payments!), and purchase a car with cash to help with our Debt Free Plan!
Stay up too late.
Sleep a little later.
Sip my coffee a while longer.
I truly am thankful for this time "off" of work.
In my spirit I feel like this summer is a time of preparation for us, Jon and me alike.
He's calling us to "Get Ready."
For what? I'm not sure.
But I'm falling in love with Him more and more everyday this summer.
And choosing to just breathe and find His joy in everything that happens.