Friday, May 11, 2012

Ushered In.

Tonight, as I'm waiting for Jon to get home for our late-night date, I am overcome with an urge to listen to  this song; a song that I grew up hearing my mom singing in church services. You know, one of those worship songs where the whole congregation lifted their hands and wept as living testimonies to her praise. (Man, I'd do almost anything to hear my mom sing this at church tonight.)

I decided not only to listen to the song, but watch this video on YouTube. The video shows Cece Winans singing the song live. 

As I sang along to the words and meditated on the meaning behind them, I was ushered into His Presence- right there at my kitchen table. 

Before I knew it, I was weeping over my turkey-provalone melt. 

It was as if the heart of the Biblical woman became more real to me than ever before.
Her sacrifice of praise was so real. so intimate. so crucial.

I am overcome right now by this Biblical story, by this beautifully arranged song, by the powerhouse voice of Cece. But mostly I am overcome by the anointed Presence of God. It knows no time and place. His Spirit falls on us whenever we ask to receive it. And I'm thankful for that.

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