Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fallish Weekend

Nashville, you did me right this past weekend. 
Your weather could have fooled me, feelin' like it's October already.
We took full advantage of the dip in temperature, and enjoyed some much needed family time.

Thanks to a team member friend of mine, we were gifted with six end-zone seats to the Vandy football game. With a chill in the air, football just felt...right.

Of course, we needed our fall drinks from Starbucks to keep us warm! (Holla if you're a fan of the pumpkin spice latte!)
Not pictured: us chugging our beverages after taking this photo, as the security man told us we could not bring our drinks into the stadium. Classy, I know.

I mean... really? Geez, I love this guy.
He went to work at 7:00 on Saturday morning, so that he could meet us at the game later in the day.
He's just the best.

The whole clan.

After the game (which ended up being an exciting one in the 4th quarter), we came back to La Casa Darcy to continue the fall shenanigans. The guys tossed around the football while I got the chili on the stove.
That's right- we made white chicken chili, courtesy of Paula Dean. It was DELISH! You can find the recipe here.
(Serve with jalapeno cornbread- Mmm, mmm, good!)

And what's a better finale to a family fun day than playing Mexican Train? We snacked on magic mix and shared some laughs.

I really could not be more thankful that my brothers live in town, that Jon and I get to be involved in their lives and them in ours, and that we see each other throughout the week. 

This season is going to be one to remember.

And this fall weather? You just keep it comin', Nashville.

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