Monday, March 31, 2014

The New Girl must haves


I'm really, really stoked to be a part of this team!

My first week at my new job flew by! I have met my team members, and they are some of the most talented and kind people. Like fo' real talented!

And to see what happens when talented, like-minded, passionate people work together for a common cause-- it's magic, y'all!

Whew!! (Can you tell I'm pumped?)


Now that I have finished my first week, I thought I would make a list of New Girl must-haves. (You know, in case any of you are about to undergo a major career change soon, like I just did.)

In no particular order...

1) Spark.
This stuff is legit- it's my go-go juice! With more caffeine than coffee, but not as many calories/sugar/harmful ingredients at Coke, this alternative boost of energy was just what I needed to stay focused.

Let's face it- when beginning a new job, you will go through lots and lots of training. You'll want to be alert and focused in order to retain all you can!

(If you haven't tried this amazing stuff yet, holler at me. I'll hook you up with a sample!)

2) Photos.
It' makes sense- surround yourself with people that love you! Like seriously- on Day Two I carried in my photo frames to my new empty, stark desk. The people in these photos are constant encouragers in my life- I need them to be close by on a daily basis cheering me on!

3) Cute file folders.
Okay, okay- they don't have to be cute. But if they are on sale at Target and you swoon over their pretty colors and patterns, you better grab 'em! Or you'll just end up going back the next day, hoping they're still on the shelf. Or at least that's what I did.

Folders- organization is key!

4) Colorful pens.
Because...why not?! I see things in color, so color-coordinating things makes a big difference for my brain.

Please also note my all-time favorite picture of Mr. Darcy and me...his hand and mine...swoon...

5) Wooden calendar.
Because sometimes the calendar on your MacBook and the one on your iPhone aren't tangible enough. (And again, Target clearance? Yes please!)

6) Mission statement.
Let's face it- if you're making a significant career change, it's going to have a huge impact on your life. Taking some time to stop, reflect, re-evaluate, and clarify goals is so important! (This kind of activity may be why you made the career change in the first place.)

Posted here is the mission statement of our company. Isn't it incredible that THIS is the mission of my employer?! It's good, good stuff.

I posted this one, but after much deliberation, I also wrote a personal mission statement for my own life. I will post that in an entry to come...

7) Lunch money.
Because you're going to be making new friends! And sometimes this happens best at a local crepery, as it did in my case.  :)

So...there you have it. Bring these seven must-haves and you'll be CEO in two years or less.

Okay, maybe not.

But they will help to surround yourself with encouragement and confidence so you're able to set out on this new venture prepared and ready for what is to come!

And if you're lucky... maybe you'll have AWESOME teammates like I did that welcome you on your first day with home-baked goodies!

Homemade Salsa

Anyone else out there think they could eat Mexican five nights out of the week and never tire of it? 

Yeah, me too.

I just love Mexican food, and much to my husband's demise, I could eat it just about everyday.

Chips and salsa is my favorite food group. (And don't tell me that's not a food group.)

It is.

Anyway... Thanks to my dear friend Heather, this super-easy-and-even-more-delish homemade salsa recipe has saved my life. And we make it at least once every couple of weeks. (Thanks for sharing, Heather!)

You will need three things: a food processor, a craving for fresh salsa, and about seven minutes.

Okay, that's not all.

But the recipe doesn't call for much more than that!

Here we go:

5 roma tomatoes
1/2 onion
2 avocados
pinch of salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
squeeze of fresh lime
fresh cilantro

First, I slice the (half) onion into fourths. Then I throw it in the food processor. 

Next, I slice the roma tomatoes into halves, and I throw them into the food processor.

*Note: How chunky or smooth your salsa becomes is up to you! Pulse for as long or as short as your little heart desires! 

Finally comes the salt, lemon juice, cilantro, and hint of lime juice! These quantities can all be up to your tastebuds, as well! Play around and see how much or little you prefer.

I add the avocados last, because I prefer to not end up with guacamole-salsa. As little pulsing as possible for my avocados, please.

And there you have it, folks!

Use a spatula to scoop out this deliciousness, put in a bowl, and the most important part...

Make sure you have awesome friends to share it with!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Go love somebody.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


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Friday, March 21, 2014

Big News

The Lord is so gracious to us.

Every. single. day.

Beyond measure.

There are times I fail to recognize His goodness.

Thank you, Lord, for provision, for guidance, for faithfulness, for Your love.

As The Word says, there is such reward in trusting in you. In abandoning our own feeble attempts to understand the situation. 

In trusting in You alone, there is peace. There is guidance. There is an outcome far better than we could have arranged for ourselves.

La Casa Darcy has experienced this in the past couple of weeks...

On Monday, I begin the next chapter in my life book as...
 the newest Project Coordinator for the Creative team at Lampo, Inc (Dave Ramsey)!

I am beyond excited!!!

The principles that Dave Ramsey teaches have made a monumental difference in our home- for our marriage and for our future children. Through these teachings, Jon and I have set goals for our near (and not-so-near) future. We have established vision, and we are developing dreams.

The fact that I can be a part of instilling this revelation into the lives of others is incredible.

My new boss- he's pretty rad. To trust and respect my boss is huge.

And the team? They're ridiculously talented. I can't wait to join them.

This video gives you a behind-the-scenes look in the life of the Creative team, and in particular, to our leader.

I'm pumped to be the newest member of the team.

Here's to new beginnings and amazing opportunities!

And to our Lord whom provides an outcome far better than we could have arranged for ourselves.

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