Sunday, April 8, 2012

Entry / Living Room

A table from my Granny and Paw-paw

Our "guest book" painting from our wedding reception. Painted and signed by friends and family!

So...we still have to print wedding photos of our family... until then, we have these nice models. :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kitchen / Half Bath

Our favorite room of the house...the kitchen.

 The Keurig...l.o.v.e. this thing!

My Granny's beautiful milkbone bowl!

Okay, I promise there really is some organization going on in here... Just showing "the ultimate" spice rack. Great idea, Jamie!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Guest Room / Office

This is sort of a hodge-podge room. We have combined the space to be a guest room and an office! This room is still in the works, but here's what we have so far. (I'm just glad we've gotten all the boxes out, finally!)

The verse we adopted for our wedding: (Thanks for the recommendation, Steve and Sue!)

This was my Christmas present from my "Mother-in-Love" and my "Sister-in-Love". I absolutely love it! They combined pictures throughout my courtship with Jon... Man, have we changed over time!
Thanks so much, Darcia and Sarah!!

Master Bath

Me trying to hide behind the door...It was may day off, and I was looking a hot mess!  :)

More photos still to come... Enjoy your stay!

Master Bed

We were soooo excited and sooooo grateful for Pastor Allen and Kim selling us their guest room bed. We absolutely LOVE it!!!

Thank you to all our family and friends that gave giftcards to us for our wedding... We were able to purchase our new bedding!

Why thank you, Salvation Army Thriftstore, for this beautiful dresser for only $35!

I just adore our bedding! :)

The TV was our Christmas present from Mom and Dad...thank you so much!!! 
And one of my favorite parts of the whole house...the walk-in closet that lies behind that door!

Jon and I both feel extremely blessed...more pics to come!
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