Sunday, April 20, 2014

hoppy easter

One of my favorite traditions growing up happened on Easter morning. My Mom and Dad... er, the "Easter Bunny"... would hide our Easter baskets somewhere in the house, and my brothers and I would "hunt" for them. We eagerly searched for these goodie baskets! Mom usually filled mine with a new favorite movie, a coloring book, a CD, lip gloss, nail polish, and of course- jewelry to match my new Easter dress. 

Although I am a twenty (plus some) year old woman, my Mama made me a lovely Easter basket while she was in town a couple of weeks ago. It was a complete surprise to have her show up at my office on her way out of down to make a special delivery (my two favorites- surprises and presents!).

Here are the items from my adult Easter basket:

A lovely vase I had been drooling over at Target. I told her about it on the phone, and she bought it!

My... I mean, the husband's... favorite candies. :)

The women in our family love little boxes. It usually means there's something shiny inside!

And there was something shiny inside - a beautiful necklace, adorning my two favorite colors.

This, y'all, is my favorite Easter candy: egg shaped bubble gum is my jam!

And these new white chocolate M&Ms? They're crazy good.

Now, I know that Easter baskets are not the point of celebrating Easter. And maybe it's silly of me to get so excited over a basket full of goodies.

But this means so much more to me.

This basket reminds me that my Mama is thinking about me all the time... literally.
She thinks about me wherever she goes.
She cares for me, and she wants to add a little happiness to my life.
(And it's proof to me that we both have good taste. Ha!)

My Mama and I are not perfect people, and we don't have a perfect relationship. But what is a perfect relationship? We love each other, and there is a beautiful amount of grace that we are learning to extend to one another.

I'm thankful for this. And for the way that she loves me.

The real gift here is her.


  1. so sweet! I love your Mama too.

  2. Awwww....tearing up....I really wish my mom and I could have been close.


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