Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Have you ever heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words"? I truly believe this.

I'm going to try something here I learned from a fellow blogger:

Wordless Wednesdays.

On Wednesdays, I'll post a photo or two that mean something to me, or evoke a special feeling or emotion. I hope you enjoy these selections.

I'll kick it off today with these photos taken by my amazingly-talented sister-cousin Kate Whitmore. Mr. Darcy and I had a session with her last Thanksgiving weekend. We love how she captures so much life in her photography. (We love you, Katie!)

(Yes, I realize I am already breaking two Wordless Wednesday rules: There are definitely more than just one or two photos, and I used words. Haha, we'll try again next week.)


  1. Love it!! You guys are seriously the cutest!! Hurry up and have some babies!!!!

  2. Thanks, Vicky!!! Rachel, thanks! But I have to erase your comment before The Hubs sees it! :)


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